
For me, lectures and publications are a great way to share my expertise. I regularly give talks on legibility, readability, reading processes, type design, typography and legibility research.


Fall 2024:
Together with Albert-Jan Pool I wrote an article about which typefaces are suitable for German Easy-to-Read Language.
“Font choice for Easy-to-Read Language. Designing Easy Texts Legible” (written in German: “Schriftwahl für Leichte Sprache. Leichte Texte leserlich gestalten” )
In: Visuelle Gestaltung für Leichte Sprache. Ein Ratgeber zur Anwendung barrierefreien Kommunikation, Rudolf Paulus Gorbach & Sabina Sieghart (ed.) 102–127. Bad Heilbrunn: Klinkhardt, 2024.

November 7, 2024 — online:
On the occasion of the publication of the book “Visuelle Gestaltung für Leichte Sprache. Ein Ratgeber zur Anwendung barrierefreien Kommunikation” the tgm Typographische Gesellschaft München hosts a five-part online lecture series.
Together with Albert-Jan Pool I will give a talk about which typefaces are suitable for German Easy-to-Read Language: “Leserlich! Leichte Sprache und Schrift”.


April 2024:
The School for Design “Schule für Gestaltung Zürich” invited me to its annual event “Tag der Schrift”. It was great to talk about legibility and all the various aspected related to reading comfort as well as giving a workshop on variable fonts!

September 2022:
I contributed the article “How Design Can Influence Reading Experiences” (written in German: “Wie Gestaltung das Lesen beeinflussen kann.”) to Rüdiger Quass von Deyen and Patrick Marc Sommer’s FURE Magazine Issue 1, an anthology of the FURE conferences 2017–19.

February 2022:
I had a great time with the design students of International University sharing my knowledge about the interaction of our perception and design.

April 2021:
The University of Europe invited me to their lecture series “Zeichen Buch Konzept Verlag”.


October 2019:
As part of the international working group “Typography in knowledge transfer” I wrote an article about the difficulties of previous legibility research and how designers could participate for appropriate research approaches, and hence valuable results.
“Design of Legible Typefaces — How To Utilize Research?” (written in German: “Gestaltung von leserlichen Schriften – Was nutzt uns die Forschung?”) In: Lesbar. Typografie in der Wissensvermittlung, Ulrike Borinski, Rudolf Paulus Gorbach (ed.) 233 – 237. Zürich: Triest, 2019.

July 2019:
I had the pleasure to talk about the design process of my emerging Legilux typeface superfamily at Typografische Gesellschaft München.

January 2019:
I had a nice evening at Peter Behrens School of Design (University of Applied Science Düsseldorf), talking about how designers can benefit from scientific research.


November 2018:
What a nice audience at FURE — The Future of Reading Conference in Münster! Once again I had the great opportunity to share my knowledge about the interaction of perception and design.
The German professional association of communication designers BDG wrote a detailed review of both conference days (GER).

September 2018:
I had a great time at ATypI Antwerp, presenting my approach on legibility research to the design community. Watch the recording here (EN)!

September 2018:
The University of Applied Science Hamburg wrote an article about my honored master’s thesis: “Prämierte Masterarbeit erforscht Einflussfaktoren auf die Leserlichkeit von Textschriften.

June 2018:
I was warmly welcomed at “Tag der Typografie” by HSRM Wiesbaden and talked about my way into the field of type design.

May 2018:
Talk at Verlagshersteller Berlin about how to design pleasing reading experiences.

May 2018:
What an exciting experience! TYPO Berlin called, I followed. Going on stage at Europe’s biggest design conference was a challenge but in the end so much fun. I talked about how our perception and reading processes interact with the design of typefaces and typography. Watch the recording here (GER)!

April 2018:
I enjoyed a nice evening showing the designers of Peter Schmidt Group how they create legible and readable designs.


November 2017:
The blog Design made in Germany interviewed me and other designers about reading habits today and in the future.

November 2017:
I was interviewed by Patrick Marc Sommer from the blog Design made in Germany about my book “Letters in my Head”.

November 2017:
I was invited by radio host Kathrin Weller to her show “Kultur am Mittag”, broadcasted by WDR 3. We had a nice chat about the limits and processes of our perception and how they are affected by the design of typefaces and typography.

October 2017:
Together with german publisher Hermann Schmidt my book “The Letters in my Head” (written in German: “Buchstaben im Kopf. Was Kreative über das Lesen wissen sollten, um Leselust zu gestalten.”) was released at Frankfurter Buchmesse.

June 2017:
I enjoyed sharing the design process of my emerging typeface Legilux at Schriftenfest Dresden.


November 2016:
In the course of joining the international working group “Typography in knowledge transfer” I gave a talk about the design process of my typeface Legilux as well as several aspects regarding the legibility of typefaces I came across.