FF DIN Families

In 2022, for the world wide most famous DIN typeface, FF DIN, started a new chapter. With its three extension FF DIN Slab, FF DIN Stencil and FF DIN Variable the typeface made its step into the variable age and broadened its design space.

Right away after my master’s degree I joined Dutch Design for extending the worldwide beloved FF DIN family with FF DIN Slab. Furthermore, I re-engineered the whole FF DIN family itself for its transition to the variable age, also adding Bulgarian Cyrillic and other characters. Last but not least I ensured that FF DIN Stencil made its way through the jungle of becoming a functional three axis variable font, behaving agile through the design space with several specialties.

More to come soon!

In the meantime check out our profiles on social media:

Instagram: ff_din_plus

Twitter: @ff_din_plus

Facebook: FF DIN plus

LinkedIn: FF DIN plus

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